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Friday, May 3, 2013

"Bold Faith", What Is It & Where Does It Come From?

As Christians, we have the greatest motivations possible to live our faith boldly, an empty tomb and a risen Lord. Yet at times, we seem to be the ones most timid and afraid to live our faith boldly. Sadly I believe  most Christians equate living their faith boldly with arrogance. As such they refuse or fail to do what matters most when it comes to "bold faith", living a life of power and conviction in Christ. The apostle Paul gives us a great example in scripture out of 2 Tim 4 as he speaks of fighting the good fight and awaiting the victor's crown.

Last Friday I was asked to speak at Bellevue Christian School on the topic of "bold faith". Not only did I choose to exemplify bold faith for all present, especially the teenagers, I felt it critical to emphasize what it means for their era and generation. I also provided hard evidence (credible & reputable cultural sources) allowing them to connect with my claims. Sadly the evidences hindering their abilities to live bold faith come both from the secular world and the church. Yes Christians, I said the church which is the body of Christ!

What do you suspect I told them? I'll give you a hint. The book of Acts and chapter seven (7) has a lot to do with it also. They got the message and are enthusiastic, would you?

Here is the video of my speech in two parts:

Zeke Bambolo - JH/HS Chapel - April 26th, 2013

Zeke Bambolo, Jr. - Q & A - April 26th, 2013